Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Saturday 7/18/09

Surfed for about one hour.

Walked the TWO dogs for over an hour (no sprinting).

Workout: Deadlifts: Warm-up: 5 reps x 135lbs., 3 reps x 185lbs., 1 rep at 225lbs. Work sets: 5 reps at 300lbs. (oops, wrong weight at the wrong set, this was supposed to be set two for 3 reps), anyway, went back to 265lbs.x5, 300lbs.x3, 330lbs.x7 (PR)

Sunday 7/19/09

Warm-up: Some kind of warm-up, forgot what I did.

Workout: Snatches: Uh, pathetic, did not do a very good job, back is sore and tight, just wasn't feeling it.

Clean and jerks: same as the snatches, but I finished my prescribed weights, sets and reps for today: 135x5, 155x3, 175x1

Monday 7/20/09

Walked Yogi for over an hour with a bunch of sprints mixed in. Sprints felt good!

Tuesday 7/21/09

Surfed for about 2 hours.

Workout: Kickboxed for 12x3 minute rounds with core work between rounds.

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