Monday, February 9, 2009

Week one of second 8 weeks complete

Friday 02/06/09

30 minutes of handstand practice

HSPU's (full ROM): 5x3 on bricks
L-sit PU's with 45lbs. weighted vest (various grips): 5x3

PPPU's with feet on wall: 6x3
Front tuck lever holds: 8x8 seconds
Hollow rock and archer rocks: 4x15 of each

V-sits: 8x8 seconds
Adv. tuck back levers: 8x8 seconds

Saturday 02/07/09

Extensive warm-up of jump rope, GHD sit-ups and back extensions and shoulder dislocates.

RTO dips: 3x3
OAP/OAC (assisted with opposing arm approx stomach high): 3x3 each arm

Tuck planche holds: 8x8 seconds
Tuck front lever PU's: 6x5
Back extensions on GHD holding 45lb plate: 4x6

Strict muscle-up to L-sit, hold for 8 seconds, lower legs to support, drop down to hanging L-sit, pull with straight arms and straight legs to inverted hang, tuck legs and lower to an adv. tuck back lever, hold for 8 seconds. These were potent and f*****g awesome to say the least.

Sunday 02/08/09

Boxed 3 - 12 minute rounds with core work in between. Drank too much last night but I believe this workout would have sucked regardless. The boxing was too much for wrists and forearms today. Hurt

Monday 02/09/09

30 minutes of handstands: 15 minutes on the parallettes with some L-sit to bent arm presses to handstands. 15 minutes of handstand facing wall and rolling out. I also spent 5 of those minutes working straight-arm press to handstands with my shoulder into the wall for support. WOW, I GOT A FEW. That was a real confidence booster, I am definitely making progress.

PPPU's on rings: 3x5
Inverted PU's on rings: 3x5 (pulled up, held, slowly lowered)

Tuck planche holds: 8x8 seconds (I was supposed to do the PPPU's with feet on the wall. Oh well, it's been a long weekend!)
Tuck front lever PU's: 6x5
Standing wheel rollouts: 4x6 (getting easier)

Tuck back lever holds: 8x8 seconds (I extended to a full back lever, HOLY SHIT, I can do this now!!!)
Glute-ham raises: 5x5 (I definitely feel these in my hamstrings, but they're not that hard.)

Deadlifts: 1x3 at 135lbs., 1x3 at 185lbs. Work sets: 1x3 at 225lbs., 1x3 at 265lbs., 1x3 at 305lbs., 1x3 at 325lbs., 1x3 at 335lbs., 1x2 at 345lbs. (left hand underhand), 1x2 at 350lbs. (right hand underhand)
One-arm KB presses: 1x5 at 35lbs., 1x5 at 40lbs., 1x5 at 50lbs., 1x3 at 53lbs., 1x3 at 58lbs., 1x3 at 60.2lbs., 1x3 at 63lbs.

10 - 100m sprints in the grass (but with shoes on) with 5 minutes rest between. The 5 minutes was spent doing free standing handstands and press to handstands. I also did some L-sits: 8x8 seconds with various hand positions.

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