Thursday, January 29, 2009

Saturday 01/24/09

Rest day, but... had to swim for Marine Rescue training. The water was cold (60 degrees) but I had a wetsuit on and swam multiple laps and practiced multiple drills. Good workout and fun.

Sunday 01/25/09

Boxed 12 - 3 minute rounds with core work in between rounds.

Monday 01/26/09

Tuck front lever PU's: 6x3 seconds
Tuck planche holds: 10x6 seconds
GHD Sit-ups and back extensions: 4x15 of each

Back lever holds: 10x6 seconds
L-sits on the floor: 10x6 seconds

One arm push-ups: 3x5 (assisted)
Ring rows with 45lb weighted vest: 3x5

Pistols (aka one-leg squats): 1x5 at BW, 1X5 at 17lbs., 1x3 at 35lbs., 1x3 at 53lbs., 1x3 at 72lbs.
Power clean and jerk: 1x5 at 45lbs. 1x3 at 135lbs., 1x3 at 155lbs. 1x3 at 175lbs., 1x3 at 180lbs.

Tuesday 01/27/09

Rest day, at work, but swam again for Marine Rescue. Another good workout.

Wednesday 01/28/09

In the morning:

Core work

Kickboxed 6 - 5 minute rounds

Later in the day:

10 - 100m sprints with 5 minutes rest between. Practiced free standing handstands. REALLY STRONG, my handstands are becoming more and more solid!

Thursday 01/29/09

Rest day, OT at the fire station

I have taken a break from the gymnastics progressions for the last couple of days. I am on the last week of the 8 week cycle but got extremely sore and hypertrophied from Monday's workout and felt I needed to ease up. I plan on doing day 2 of the progressions tomorrow and finishing out week 8 over the next 3-4 days. After that, I think I will discontinue the 4 days-a-week thing. Too much working out, too often for me. I am going to start living by my "paleo" or Mark Sisson's "Primal Blueprint" way of working out, eating, living, etc. I'm going to create my own model of 1-2 days a week of sprinting, 1-2 days of week of heavy lifting/gymnastics training, and lots of casual walking and playing. For me (a true, complete mesomorph in every sense of the word, < that is, if you believe in body types), I simply do not need to train that hard or often, whether it be resistance training (bodyweight or weights) or metcon/cardio. I can get by on a lot less, in fact everyone can, they just don't know it yet.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Friday 01/23/09

Inverted pull-ups: 3x5
Pseudo planche ring push-ups: 3x5

Front tuck lever holds: 10x6 seconds
PPPU's: 6x5
Hanging leg raises: 4x5

Back lever holds: 10x6 seconds
Ring L-sits: 10x6 seconds

Practiced a couple of press-to-handstands on the parallettes. Today marks the end of week 7 of the 8 week cycle. Feeling strong.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Begin week 7

Monday 1/19/09

One-arm push-ups: 3x5 each arm with assistance
Archer rows: 3x5 each arm

Tuck lever PU's: 6x3
Tuck planche holds: 10x6 seconds
GHD sit-ups/Back extensions: 4x15 of each

Back lever holds: 10x6 seconds
L-sits on floor: 10x6 seconds

10 - 100m sprints with 5 minutes rest between sprints. During the 5 minutes, freestanding handstands and press to handstands were practiced.

Tuesday 01/20/09

Full ROM HSPU's on parallettes: 3x3
L-sit PU's with 45lbs. weighted vest: 3x3

PPPU's: 6x5
Tuck front lever holds: 10x6 seconds
L-sit and straddle L-sit static leg raise holds: 4x20 seconds of each hold

Back lever holds: 10x6 seconds
Straddle L-sits: 10x6 seconds

Wednesday 01/21/09

Rest, sick, really sick. Got sick as hell Tuesday night, an apparent stomach virus per the doc Wed. morning. I was going to take off Wed anyway, this was just a really forced day off.

Thursday 01/22/09

Feeling a ton better today; wasn't going to workout, but...

OAC/OAP: 3x3 each arm
RTO dips: 3x3

Tuck lever PU's: 6x3
Tuck planche holds: 10x6 seconds
Standing wheel rollouts: 4x6

Back lever holds: 10x6 seconds
V-sits: 10x6 seconds

Deadlift: 1x5 at 72lbs., 1x3 at 135lbs. 1x3 at 225lbs. 1x3 at 265lbs. 1x3 at 295lbs. 1x3 at 315lbs. 1x3 at 330lbs. (PR= Double bodyweight!!!!!!!!!!!) I wonder what I can pull a single for?
Kettlebell presses: 1x5 at 17lbs. 1x5 at 35lbs. 1x3 at 53lbs. 1x2 at 58lbs. (each arm)

Handstand practice on parallettes, freestanding and facing the wall, about 10 minutes.

This workout felt amazing. I'm not even really treating my workouts like workouts anymore, they have become more "fun skill training," even the deadlifts, which I need to incorporate more. STRONG, STRONG work today. I can't believe I pulled 330lbs. for a triple. I need to find my one rep max on deadlifts; goal is still set on 3x bodyweight, though I'm not sure what my exact current BW is at the time. I know I'm hovering right around 165, give or take a few pounds (or a few glasses of water/beer/wine).

Sunday, January 18, 2009

6th week completed

Friday 01/16/09


RTO dips: 3x3
OAC/OAP: 3X3 each arm

Tuck planche holds: 10x6 seconds
Tuck front lever PU's: 6x3
Hollow rocks and arch rocks: 4x15 of each

V-sits: 10x6 seconds
Back lever holds: 10x6 seconds

Boxed 12 - 3 minute rounds

Saturday 01/17/09

Walked approx. 40 minutes with my beautiful wife and dog


Pseudo planche ring push-ups: 3x5
Inverted ring PU's: 3x5

PPPU's: 6x5
Tuck lever holds: 10x6 seconds
Straight hanging leg raises: 4x5

Muscle up to L-sit: 10x6 seconds
Back lever holds: 10x6 seconds

30 minutes of handstands, 10 minutes of flag/side-lever work.

This marks the end of the 6th week of the 8 week cycle. Research suggests that it takes approximately 6 weeks of a consistent and solid strength program to form concrete strength gains and CNS adaptation. I certainly felt very strong yesterday on all strength movements performed. I believe I now have the ability to consciously tense all the muscles needed to for a static hold, (though I have a long way to go). The past couple of weeks I have been off of the M/T/TH/F schedule, but have still been hitting four days a week. I also have not sprinted in about 2 weeks and it's driving me crazy. This week, I should be back on the correct gymnastic progression schedule and should be able to get in 2 solid days of sprinting: Wed. and Sun.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Tuesday 01/13/09


One-arm push-ups: 3x5
One-arm rows: 3x5

Tuck planche holds: 10x6 seconds
Tuck lever PU's: 6x3
Kneeling one-arm rollouts: 4x3 each arm

L-sits on floor: 10x6 seconds
Back lever holds: 10x6 seconds

Pistols: 1x5 at BW, 1x5 at 17lbs., 1x3 at 35lbs., 1x3 at 53lbs., 2x2 at 72lbs. (holding kettlebells)
Clean and jerk: 1x5 at 95lbs, 1x5 at 115lbs, 1x3 at 135lbs, 1x3 at 155lbs, 1x3 at 175lbs, 1x2 at 185lbs.

Wednesday 01/14/09


L-sit PU's: 3x3 (with 45lbs. weighted vest and various hand positions)
Full ROM HSPU's: 3x3 on parallettes and bricks

Tuck lever holds: 10x6 seconds
PPPU's: 6x5
Backwards wall walk: 4x10

Straddle L-sits: 10x6 seconds
Back lever holds: 10x6 seconds


Rest day, at work.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Another rest day, unplanned

Monday 01/12/09

Another rest day today, not by choice. I had a structure fire (about 0200 this morning) and didn't get to bet until about 0400. Got up again about 0700 for a call and then had to drive to Station 12 for my regular 24 hr shift. It rained (poured) all day today, no place to hang my rings and so I just went with the lazy flow of the day. I'm sure the two days of rest will do me good, but the lack of activity and the constant recliner sitting has made my back ache. I truly believe that most people who suffer from back pain suffer because of just that, lack of activity and too much sitting. Today is going to be another cold and rainy day but I'll be heading home and can get a good workout in there. Today will be day 1 of week 6 of the 8 week cycle.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

5th week of the cycle

Tuesday 01/06/09

One-arm push-ups: 3x5 (assisted, hand on weight)
One-arm rows: 3x5 (assisted)

Tuck planche holds: 10x6 seconds
Front tuck lever PU's: 6x3
Hanging leg raises: 4x6

Ring L-sits: 10x6 seconds
Back lever holds: 10x6 seconds

Wednesday 01/07/09

Full ROM HSPU's: 3x3 (on bricks and parallettes)
L-sit PU's with 45lb. weighted vest: 3x3 (various hand grips)

PPPU's: 6x5
Front tuck lever holds: 10x6 seconds
45lb. weighted back extensions: 4x6

Straddle L-sits: 10x6 seconds
Back lever holds: 10x6 seconds

Thursday 01/08/09

Rest day. GO GATORS!

Friday 01/09/09

RTO dips: 3x3
OAC/OAP: 3X3 (each arm)

Tuck planche holds: 10x6 seconds
Tuck front lever PU's: 6x3
V-ups and supermans: 4x15 of each

I missed the back levers and l-sits today.

Saturday 01/10/09

Pseduo planche ring push-ups: 3x5
Inverted pull-ups: 3x5

PPPU's: 6x5
Tuck lever holds: 10x6 seconds
Standing wheel rollouts: 4x6

V-sits: 10x6 seconds
Back lever holds: 10x6 seconds

Kettlebell presses: 1x3 at 35lbs. 2x5 at 53lbs. 1x3 at 58lbs. 1x3 at 63lbs.
Deadlifts: 1x5 at 135lbs. 1x5 at 185lbs. 1x3 at 225lbs. 1x3 at 245lbs. 1x3 at 265lbs. 1x3 at 285lbs. 1x3 at 305lbs. All overhand grip.

Boxed 12 - 3 minute rounds, core work between rounds.

Sunday 01/11/09

Rest day, OT at the fire station.

Finished the 5th week of the 8 week cycle. Good strong workouts this week. I plan on next week being solid as well.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Saturday 01/03/09

Rest day.

Sunday 01/04/09

Skills: 30 minutes of handstands and L-sit press to handstands.

Workout: Boxed 12 - 3 minute rounds with core in between rounds.

Monday 01/05/09

Workout: Sprint 10 - 100m with 5 minutes rest between sprints. In between sprints, worked on free standing handstands, press-to-handstands and L-sits. This was the best workout I've had in a while, felt amazing after. I did however, fall off of my gymnastics progressions schedule today simply because I didn't want to overdo it. I will attempt to make up and hit the gymnastics progressions Tuesday and Wednesday.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Half way through the cycle

Thursday 12/31/09

Tuck planche holds: 10x6 seconds
Tuck front lever PU's: 6x3
GHD sit-ups and back extensions: 4x15 of each

One arm chins/pulls: 3x3 each arm (band assisted)
RTO Dips: 3x3

Back lever holds: 10x6 seconds
Muscle-up on rings to L-sit holds: 10x6 seconds

Friday 01/01/09

Tuck front lever holds: 10x6 seconds
PPPU's: 6x5
Hollow and arch rocks: 4x15 of each

Inverted PU's on rings: 5x5
PPPU's on rings: 5x5

Back lever holds: 10x6 seconds
V-sits: 10x6 seconds

Shadow boxed and kicked 12 - 3 minute rounds with core work in between.

Friday marked the end of the halfway mark through the first cycle. My wrists and forearms are pretty beat up to today and the rest of my body is a kind of "good sore" from the shadow boxing. Too much cardio/metcon this past week though. This week and from here on out will be less cardio with the same emphasis on strength but with more emphasis on "fun" and easy going activities to...basically stay active; i.e. running with the dog, kicking the soccer ball around and just plain old walking for good health. The holidays are over so the overload of food and alcohol has and will continue to cease. When eating and drinking alot I do not like to lift heavy because my weight goes up and the hypertrophy becomes easily noticeable. I'd like to start incorporating some heavy and explosive lifts back into the mix but in due time (mainly strongman stuff). I will be resting Saturday and most likely working on handstands and some sprints on Sunday (skill work).